This is one of the few spots in the keys to ride without a boat on a Northerly wind. This spot gets its name from the hard rocky horseshoe shaped concrete boat slip. To get to this location from Bahia Honda head South West on US1 over the bridge. On the Southwest side of the bridge make an immediate right and head back toward the bridge where you will find a little dirt parking area. Walk down the path to get to the water. You can setup along the horeshoe anywhere. Launching can be a little tricky if the wind is not the right direction. The ground is hard and kind of sharp so some foot protection is suggested, especially while setting up. Inside the horeshoe it is deep but flat. Outside it is more shallow but choppy. Becareful when going in and out of the horeshoe because there are some submerged rocks if you do not enter or exit exactly in the center. Frequented by windsurfers, snorklers and other kiters.
High temperatures typically stay around the 80’s. The wintertime comes with highs in the 70’s with temperatures dropping down into the 50’s on some nights
PRECAUTIONS: Booties or foot protection are but recommended for beginners due to some sharp rocks and scattered longspinned urchins. Use caution in this are beacause this is not a very good launch area. There are lots of rocks in this area.
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